понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Zwei Spatzen sitzen auf einer Wiese. Einer ganz abgemagert und hungrig, der andere wohlgen�hrt und satt. Gleichzeitig entdecken sie einen Wurm, der genau zwischen ihnen aus der Wiese kriecht. Sie sehen sich an. Der d�rre Spatz weiss, dass er nicht so einen schnellen, kraftvollen Sprung wie sein fetter Geselle machen kann und spricht diesen an:"Du musst wissen, ob Du den Wurm m�chtest. Ich habe keine M�glichkeit eher bei ihm zu sein, als Du. Ich habe tagelang nichts gegessen und bin schwach". Der dicke Spatz legt seinen Kopf auf die Seite und sieht seinen ausgemergelten Artgenossen einen Augenblick an. Und sagt: "Du hast recht". Dann macht er einen kraftvollen Satz zu dem Wurm, verspeist ihn und fliegt weg.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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The baseball game last night was great, probably the best of the series. Glad to see Jason Varitek finally come through for the Sox, even though itapos;s pretty sad knowing that these are probably his last games for them. Heapos;ll be a free agent after the season, and I�donapos;t think heapos;ll come back, unless he takes a big pay cut.�

The last game of the ALCS is tonight, but it overlaps with a new Simpsons episode. What to watch?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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From Chemistry Principles Practice (my Gen Chem text) by Reger, Goode, and Mercer:

Socrates was a gadfly. He set about demonstrating that many prominent Athenians were more concerned with their own self-interest than with the needs of the society as a whole. He was charged with impiety, corrupting the youth, and disturbing the society. Socrates defended himself and was found guilty by the other Athenians. They asked him to recommend his own punishment; he recommended that he be compensated for his work with young people, since he had no other source of income. This suggestion angered his peers, who sentenced him to death.

In other business, what happened to my LJ background?

Next time: Art inspired by the 2008 Olympics

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Edward de Bono is a prolific originator of ideas, only a few of which are listed here.

* In 2000 he advised a U.K Foreign Office committee that the Arab-Israeli conflict might be due, in part, to low levels of zinc found in people who eat unleavened bread, a known side-effect of which is aggression. He suggested shipping out jars of Marmite to compensate. [5]

* In 2007 his Septoe idea was given life through a new website. Septoes allow people to distill their wisdom into phrases of exactly seven words.[6]

* He has suggested an alternative to the penalty shootout when a soccer match ends in a draw. If the number of times each goalkeeper touches the ball is recorded throughout the game the results can be compared in the event of a draw. The team whose goalkeeper has touched the ball more often is the loser. The winner will then be the team that has had more attempts at scoring goals and is more aggressive (and therefore exciting) in their style of play. This mechanism would avoid the tension of the penalty shoot out. However, critics argue[weasel words] that this method of deciding a drawn match completely ignores the goalkeeperapos;s skill which can win a game for a team. If the game goes to a penalty shootout, even though one team may have completely dominated the other, the goalkeeper has kept the scores level. Furthermore the goalkeeper can make highly skilled saves in a penalty shootout and defeat the better team.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m still with DS and�I couldnapos;t be any happier.� Well, Iapos;m sure any human could be� happier, but Iapos;m the happiest that I have been in a very long ass time.�

Iapos;m at work right now and I have about a half hour to waste before its time to clock out at 5pm and signal that its time for the freakin weekend baby lmao.� Iapos;m a moron.�

Writing in here keeps coming to my mind but I keep putting it off.� Thatapos;s most definately a bad look.� Hmm...

I have a new apartment now.� Its all just mine.� Well, nobody can kick me out or tell me to leave anyway.� My coworker is going to be living with me for a few months and then she plans to move out and get her own house.� Iapos;m looking forward to living with her.� Iapos;ll love the company and sisterlyness, I think.

My life was completely turned upside down about two months ago, and I know that I have nobody to blame but myself.��But that doesnapos;t make it any easier on me.� At all.� I miss DP from time to time and our friends and his crazy dog.� But I donapos;t miss being his girlfriend. �Not really.� I was just stuck in a comfort zone, and while I feel horrible for all the pain that I have put him through, I can only take comfort in knowing that walking away was the best thing that I could do for him.� I hope one day he will see that.��He really hates me right now.� The entire group of friends I had hates me.� His family hates me.� But I know that deep down I was only going to hurt him worse.��Either way wasnapos;t good, and this was just the�best I could do for him.

Iapos;m starting to get back on my feet, thanks to the help of DS and his family.� I love his family so much.� Iapos;ve fallen in love with them, as crazy as they may be.� Especially his mom. �She has probably been the best friend Iapos;ve had lately.� Helping me out where she can and keeping me company when�I feel down and keeping a roof over my head when I didnapos;t feel welcome at the own house that I paid for.� Thankfully now, the drama was DP should be done and past.� I gave him back the house key.� Iapos;m out of his life now, and I hope that I can now look forward to the future with my undivided attention.� Let some of this stress go and just move on with life.

Iapos;m trying.� Best I can.� One day at a time.

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Sooo �I talked to him more about leaving and I�learned more.

I�learned that he is more indecisive than me. But anyways I am still gonna go. I am hard set on it now. But I know after this weekend I am not gonna want to go at all. But I�just have to keep reminding myself that either I am going to get my own friends and its going to be great over there oorrr its only going to be a few months and I am just going to come back.

So other than that. I�donapos;t�need to talk as bad as I did yesterday. Today I am doing good. Just have a stuffy nose and�I am hungry but things can change its only 10:30 in the morning.

So I gotta go and watch some tv, then do laundrey, then take a shower, and then probably going out tonight. No work

Well peace
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